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Robotic EMPloyees

Space Canary

D.I.B.S, or Democratic Intervention Beyond Sol, is a co-op, top down twin stick shooter. This game has a unique two player feature, in which both players control and share the same vehicle. The driver moves the players around the environment and wields melee weaponry, but also possesses the unique ability to change the weapons for the gunner, who must communicate with the driver in order to be successful. In turn, the gunner controls the ship's ability to jump,. forcing the driver to communicate as well. 

A sci-fi journey to an allegedly uninhabited planet, where Earth's now united government, The Democratic Republic of Democracy, or DRD, has sent a scientist, Columbus and soldier, Chris, to scout out the plant to see if it is possible for colonization. After mistakenly planting the beacon to signal the invasion fleet into the head of a giant golem-like inhabitant, Chris and Columbus must retrieve the beacon and bring democracy to the barren world.

Pressure Cooked Games
Caramel Corn Games

Robotic EMPlopyees is a 4 player party game. Each player must collect computers on the map. The more computers that a player has the more points they gain, and the player with the most points when the timer runs out wins. To add to the fun, when a player picks up a computer, EMP waves pulse outward form the location the computer was picked up. When a player is hit by these waves, they are stunned and drop all of their computers.

As an robot disposal employee at a garbage dump, it is your job to pick up and sort the computers. However, some of these computers are faulty, and the dangers they cause can be rather shocking!

Lunar Entertainment

Space Canary is a 3D side scroller. Using the ability to control gravity, you must traverse the asteroid mines. When Low Gravity is activated, the player can jump higher and lift heavy objects such as cargo containers, rocks, and broken elevators. Whith High Gravity the player becomes heavier, allowing him to smash through weak floors and rock. Alternating between High and Low gravity allows the player to free float in specific areas.

You are George, a space miner working for a company known as Space Canary. Unfortunately, George is not the most liked employee in the asteroid mines. When the mines begin to hurtle towards a nearby sun, the entire staff evacuates, aside form those who died during the mayhem, and poor George who has been abandoned by his heartless co-workers. Now George must gather what fuel he can find and reach the last ship before he burns to a crisp.

Winner of the Third Year Project Award of Excellence.

Trumpet of Transmission

Trumpet of Transmission is a single player, first person puzzle game. The player must use the scientifically altered trumpet to transmit light and sound between different devices throughout a futuristic laboratory to solve puzzles and escape. Transmit light from lamps, TVs, and computers to see your way through the lab and activate doors and elevators. Transmit sound from radios into speakers in order to cause them to overload and explode, revealing hidden doors and rooms.

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